Current Weekly Notices

  • Reports and portfolios go home on Friday and each child will find out their class and teacher for 2014.
  • Middle School picnic Friday 13th December at school. Please bring togs and water pistols if children desire and something for room 6s shared lunch.
  • Tuesday 10th BOT - Board of Trustees meeting.
  • 11am Monday Special Assembly for official raffle draw.
  • Please keep the McIntyre family in your prayers with the sudden passing of our McIntyre children's grandfather.
  • Children are to have a hat and wear it outside at ll times at school during terms 4 and 1 - please encourage children to comply.
  • Please continue to encourage children to self manage and bring their home reading back on a Friday - handing out is on Monday.
  • Please make sure all items of children's clothing, including hats and shoes are clearly labelled with the child's name so items can be easily returned. Encourage your child to take reponsibility for finding and bringing home their uniform and lunchbox themselves. Praise self-management.
  • Mr. Bach's email -
  • Room 6 swim even numbered weeks.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Willem Assistant Principal


At last Friday's assembly Willem got his chance to be Assistant Principal to Mr Macmillan for the handing out of Principal's Awards and Job Well Done certificates. Willem was allowed to borrow one of his Dad's best ties for the occasion as long as he brought it back home safely afterwards. Willem did a good job helping Mr Macmillan by reading out the certificates and congratulating those who were getting recognised for their good work.

Have a look below to see a video of part of the presentation.

Excellent job Willem!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Misty's Post from the Gardens

Sustainable Gardens


These are some of our bottles that we have reused and filled with compost to grow veges.
These are silver beet plants and something else.
This is the compost bins before the worms have started their work.
Beet root plants.
People have been watering them, plants need water to grow.
This is a worm from the worm farm bins.
This is a worm farm

People are planting lots of different vegetables in our sustainable garden.
These people have been planting sun flowers.  
There was worm pee in here but it's gone now, we used it as fertiliser for the plants.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

These were a few photos taken in the garden when we put our bottles up in the garden. Annamie came to watch the class in the garden and had a long talk to Willem about sustainability.

Edward's Sustainability Book

 Book Creator App on iPads

Edward created the following book on Book Creator in one session during change-arounds in reading. The work still needs a little editing but it shows some of Edwards learning in our Concept - Sustainability!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Carbon Footprints

 How big is your footprint?

Room 6 have been learning about carbon footprints and how many of our practices in the West cannot be sustained. We must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane we are producing through our daily activities and choices.

We looked at the ways we are all contributing to raising levels of greenhouse gases on Earth, which are helping to heat the planet. We asked, 'how big is your footprint?

We then discussed all the different ways and all the different things each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprints.
The children traced their own footprint and wrote all the ways they could help reduce their own carbon footprint onto their foot poster.

 The children used some of the class' ideas and some of the children came up with their own individual ideas.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

In Religious Education in Term Two we have been learning about the Holy Spirit. In particular we have looked at the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. The children have learned that the fruits are not apples and oranges, but just as real fruit nourishes our bodies so The Fruits of the Spirit nourish our minds and souls. They help us to become better people.

The children have discussed the people around them who show some, or all, of the Fruits, such as kindness, generosity, peace, self control etc. We have talked about how these people can inspire us to use the Fruits to become better human beings. 

We played a board game that helped children remember the names of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Some children got enthusiastically into the game.
 Some of the dice throwing was very dramatic.

Other children took the calm relaxed approach to playing the game.

Lucille enjoyed playing the game and naming people she thought showed the Fruits of the Spirit in her life.

 Some children preferred to play the game alone at their desks.
 The children learned also to cooperate and follow the rules together as a team.
The game showed how performing acts in the game, as in real life, that showed evidence of the Fruits of the Spirit, is a positive and rewarding thing in our daily and religious lives.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Moments in Time - opportunities to learn.

 Random Opportunities to Learn

Opportunities to learn and experience things can appear from nowhere at school and at home.
Mr Bach took these pictures, while kayak fishing on Lake Rotoiti, of linesmen working on a major power line structure that spans Rotoiti at the Okere Arm. The men were clambering up and down the structure like monkeys.
Were they just checking something or repairing a fault?
How do the lines carry electricity to people?
Where does the energy come from?
This term we are studying sustainability and using sustainable practices for the good of all environments on Earth.
Clean energy sources are important to sustainable practice?
So are our sources clean, all of them?

Watch out for opportunities to teach children when you are out as a family. Feed their minds and ask them questions. They may also want to come and share the news of an interesting encounter or event at news time.
Events like this can also be subjects to write about at home or at school.

To be a linesmen requires a lot of skill and knowledge, but above all nerves of steel, with no fear of heights.