Current Weekly Notices

  • Reports and portfolios go home on Friday and each child will find out their class and teacher for 2014.
  • Middle School picnic Friday 13th December at school. Please bring togs and water pistols if children desire and something for room 6s shared lunch.
  • Tuesday 10th BOT - Board of Trustees meeting.
  • 11am Monday Special Assembly for official raffle draw.
  • Please keep the McIntyre family in your prayers with the sudden passing of our McIntyre children's grandfather.
  • Children are to have a hat and wear it outside at ll times at school during terms 4 and 1 - please encourage children to comply.
  • Please continue to encourage children to self manage and bring their home reading back on a Friday - handing out is on Monday.
  • Please make sure all items of children's clothing, including hats and shoes are clearly labelled with the child's name so items can be easily returned. Encourage your child to take reponsibility for finding and bringing home their uniform and lunchbox themselves. Praise self-management.
  • Mr. Bach's email -
  • Room 6 swim even numbered weeks.


Homework for term 4 week 4  - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option: Research (find out) a few important bits of information about an animal. Think about appearance (looks like), behaviour (how it acts) and habitat (where it lives).  Do a little searching on google (web and image search). Write a few sentences about what you found out. This will help you with the report writing that we will be doing soon.

Homework for term 4 week 2  - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option: Find out everything you can about the different dances there are in the various cultures around the world. Choose one of the dances. Does the dance mean anything? What do the movements in the dance mean or represent? Do a little searching on google (web and image search). Write a few sentences about what you found out.

Homework for term 4 week 1  - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option: Find out everything you can about symbols and symbolism. Do a little searching on google (web and image search). What do you think symbolism means? Write a few sentences about what you found out. Print out or draw some examples of symbols you found during your research.
Homework for term 3 weeks 9  - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - write a real or pretend letter to a friend who lives in another city telling them about Rotorua and St Mary's school and what you like to do in your spare time.

Homework for term 3 weeks 5- 8 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Practice your poem for the poetry reading competition later in the term. You must memorize your poem, although you can have your poem in your hand in case you get stuck on stage. Try to think about adding hand and arm gestures and expression in your voice when you say your speech. Remember to say your speech slowly, loudly and take dramatic pauses.

Homework for term 3 week 4 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Practice your poem for the poetry reading competition later in the term. You must memorize your poem, although you can have your poem in your hand in case you get stuck on stage. Try to think about adding hand and arm gestures and expression in your voice when you say your speech. Remember to say your speech slowly, loudly and take dramatic pauses.

Homework for term 3 week 3 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Practice your poem for the poetry reading competition later in the term. You must memorise your poem, although you can have your poem in your hand in case you get stuck on stage. Try to think about adding hand and arm gestures and expression in your voice when you say your speech. Rememeber to say your speech slowly and take dramatic pauses.

Homework for term 3 week 2 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about an enterprising person like Bill Gates (you choose). What were the qualities that this person has that makes them enterprising? What is the main thing or things that this person did in their lives? Explain! Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 3 week 1 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about stars. Remember that our sun is a star as well. How far away are other stars? How big are they? How many are there in our galaxy? Can you find out why they are so hot and bright? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week nine and ten -  catch up on any studyladder tasks you have not finished this term and do 2 extra tasks of your own choosing.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about Maori kaitiaki or caretakers. What are the names and roles of the different kaitiaki? Why are kaitiaki important to Maori people? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week eight -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about the seasons. Why do we have different seasons on Earth?  Why do the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have opposite seasons? Why is the weather never hot at the poles? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week seven -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about the United Nations. What does the United Nations organisation do around the world?  Is it very successful with its peace work and aid programmes? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week six -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about Matariki - the Maori New Year. What is Matariki? Why was Matariki important to Maori?  What were (and are) the different celebrations.   What do scientists call the stars? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week five -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about making energy (energy production)  for the use of people. What are the different ways that humans make electricity?  How do we make electricity in New Zealand? Is it clean energy? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week four -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about the ice age or ice ages. What was the earth like during an ice age? What was the weather like during the ice age? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week three -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about your 'carbon footprint'. What is a person's carbon footprint? How can we reduce our carbon footprint?? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found.

Homework for term 2, week two -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Written homework option - Find out any information you can about recycling. Why is it important to recycle? How will recycling help sustain the Earth? Search up information using google or find a book at home or from the library. Write some sentences about the information you found. Remember to also write some reasons why it is important to recycle.

Homework for term 2, week one -  logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths or reading tasks because of their level. Other children will find some of the tasks set too easy. Choose the ones at your level and do different ones if you wish.

Homework for week 11-12 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths tasks because of their level.
Written homework option -

Find out some information about how the heart works (see the science set task on studyladder for a start). Write some sentence to say what the heart is and how it works.

Homework for week 10 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths tasks because of their level.
Written homework option -
Think about what you have learned about bees and ants. Write some sentences about all of the things that are the same about bees and ants. Think about how they look (appearance), how they behave, their life cycle and where they live (habitat).

Homework for week 9 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you. You may do any extra tasks on studyladder that you wish, especially if you find some activities that interest you. Some children will not be able to do the harder maths tasks because of their level.
Written homework option -
Do some research about bees and how they work together as a community. Write some sentences from the information you found.

Homework for week 8 - logon to studyladder and complete as many tasks as possible from those assigned to you.
Written homework option -
Write some sentences about how some of our human body organs work -  think of the learning we did in the Life Education truck. Make sure you complete the digestive system activity on studyladder first to help you. Organs include: heart, lungs, stomach and intestines, brain etc.

Homework for week 7 - login to the studyladder website with the username and password you received from Mr Bach. Read the note in last week's homework below. Complete any activities that have been assigned to you.
Written homework option.
Write some sentences about 'interdependence' at St Mary's School community.
Remember interdependence means everybody depending, relying or needing everyone else for a community to run.
How do we depend on each other at St Mary's community?
What do St Mary's people all do to help our school community?

Homework for week 6 - click on the link to the Studyladder website ( in the links section of the blog. Log in using the username and password you have been given by Mr Bach. Show your parents or caregivers the site and explain that most of the homework after from reading will be assigned through this site.  Go to the section 'Studyladder Courses' and click on Science. Click on 'Life Cycles' (ants) and go through and read the lesson and then complete the activity. You can also edit your online avatar if you know how to do this. Write a few sentences explaining the different ways ants help each other and work together as a community.

Homework for week 5 - Browse through the newspaper and find any articles about problems in a community - the Rotorua Community or any other type of community. Read the article with the help of your mum, dad or caregiver.
Write some sentences about the main problem in the article. Say why the problem or problems are stopping the community from working properly. Who is not doing or performing their roles correctly? Think about what we have talked about in class.
Spend at least 5-10 minutes a night practising your basic facts in some way. Use one of the basic facts websites if you have Internet at home.

Homework for week four is to go to the website a link can be found under the Useful Websites heading on the main page of the blog.  Have a look around the maths site and see what the diiferent links are - ask a parent for help if you do not know. Practise your times tables or other basic facts.
Also, write some sentences about you and your family what are the different things that you do as part of your community or communities.

Homework for week three is to sign up for tut-pup online and practise your basic facts at a challenging level every evening.
Also, write some sentences about your different roles and responsibilities at St Mary's school and at home. What is the same and what is different (compare and contrast) your roles at home and at school.

Homework for week one and two is to try and find a newspaper clipping about a community or  communities and bring them into school to show to the class, so we can talk about them. Remember we talked about the school, the church and Rotorua being different sorts of communities.

Congratulations, if you have found this page you have already done the first part of the homework for the beginning of the year which was to show your parents or caregivers our class blog.

The main, and only completely compulsory, homework for Room 6 children for 2013 is to read for a minimum of 20-30 minutes, every day possible, at home.
Children's books may be borrowed for free from the Rotorua Public Library and St Mary's School Library. Children may borrow one book at a time from Mr. Bach's Classroom Library Collection.
Some children will be placed on the home reading programme, where they will receive books at their level from the Teacher's Resource Room Library, to take home. Many of these children will also receive extra one-on-one tuition, in reading, during school time.
Please see Mr. Bach if you are worried about your child's reading and they have not been put on a specialised reading program in term one.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you are the best teacher in the school Mr Bach

    Joseph bolbs
