Writing Time in Room 6
Most writing in Room 6 takes place over two days. The children are learning that writing is a process that takes time and careful thought.
Writing begins on the first day with a whole class lesson on the mat, where the rules and structures of writing and the techniques of various genres (types) of writing are discussed and modelled. On the mat we also talk about vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and the importance of writing in clear sentences so the reader can understand our writing.
Children are taught that the key to learning in writing is self management - children managing their own behaviour during writing time and taking responsibility for their own learning.After the lesson on the mat children return to their desks to begin planning their writing, and then writing the first sentences of their piece of writing.
Mr Bach and Miss James circulate among the children helping them with their plan and writing clear sentences from their plan. Children may also need reminding of today's particular learning intention.
On the first day children continue writing until the end of the session being constantly encouraged to read back over their work for sense and clear sentences with capital letters and fullstops. Mr Bach and Miss James continue to give assistance throughout. Some children are beginning to type up their writing on the computer and these will be shown in later blog posts.
On the second day the children finish their piece of writing, read over it for sense, capital letters and fullstops and anything else that the writing should have.
The children follow this by self assessing against the solo rubric on the interactive whiteboard, for whichever type of writing they have been doing. This self assessment allows them to see how they could improve their writing this time or next, and it also increases self management.
Children strive to become 'Relational' writers who structure and link their ideas, use punctuation and check their work rather than 'Multistructural' writers who are able to just write several ideas and give their book to the teacher.
Great work room 6, keep it up
ReplyDeleteMrs Boles