Current Weekly Notices

  • Reports and portfolios go home on Friday and each child will find out their class and teacher for 2014.
  • Middle School picnic Friday 13th December at school. Please bring togs and water pistols if children desire and something for room 6s shared lunch.
  • Tuesday 10th BOT - Board of Trustees meeting.
  • 11am Monday Special Assembly for official raffle draw.
  • Please keep the McIntyre family in your prayers with the sudden passing of our McIntyre children's grandfather.
  • Children are to have a hat and wear it outside at ll times at school during terms 4 and 1 - please encourage children to comply.
  • Please continue to encourage children to self manage and bring their home reading back on a Friday - handing out is on Monday.
  • Please make sure all items of children's clothing, including hats and shoes are clearly labelled with the child's name so items can be easily returned. Encourage your child to take reponsibility for finding and bringing home their uniform and lunchbox themselves. Praise self-management.
  • Mr. Bach's email -
  • Room 6 swim even numbered weeks.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

 Room 6 News - an opportunity to talk in front of the class

In Room 6 more and more children are taking the opportunity to talk in front of the class and give a piece of personal news. Sometimes during the term we are so busy with our maths, reading and writing learning that we often don't have or make the time to have news. But at the end of the term we often take lots of time each day for many children to give their news. 

Participation during news time is important for all children as it gives practice in talking in front of an audience and finding the words to verbally express oneself. Children also take great pride in explaining some of the things they are doing and achieving. 

Tyler was justly proud to bring in a monster carrot that had grown in the family garden. It was so big it had two root ends that made it look a bit like a giant orange tooth.

If you have something unusual to show the class or an interesting thing happens to your family maybe we can all hear about it during news time.

1 comment:

  1. Monique & Darren5 May 2013 at 21:00

    Great to see Tyler got to show his Monster Carrot! He enjoyed watering it, and checking on it as it was growing :)
