Current Weekly Notices

  • Reports and portfolios go home on Friday and each child will find out their class and teacher for 2014.
  • Middle School picnic Friday 13th December at school. Please bring togs and water pistols if children desire and something for room 6s shared lunch.
  • Tuesday 10th BOT - Board of Trustees meeting.
  • 11am Monday Special Assembly for official raffle draw.
  • Please keep the McIntyre family in your prayers with the sudden passing of our McIntyre children's grandfather.
  • Children are to have a hat and wear it outside at ll times at school during terms 4 and 1 - please encourage children to comply.
  • Please continue to encourage children to self manage and bring their home reading back on a Friday - handing out is on Monday.
  • Please make sure all items of children's clothing, including hats and shoes are clearly labelled with the child's name so items can be easily returned. Encourage your child to take reponsibility for finding and bringing home their uniform and lunchbox themselves. Praise self-management.
  • Mr. Bach's email -
  • Room 6 swim even numbered weeks.

Sunday, 25 August 2013


 Enterprise - Term 3 Concept

In term 3 for our Enterprise Concept we are splitting up into different classes to Dream Big and make it happen - as our key understanding tells us. We are going through the process of pursuing a dream, such as being an artist, musician, chef, author or master flytyer and fisherman. Mr Bach is of course leading the flytying brigade - and has an enthusiastic bunch of 30 boys and 2 girls, looking to design a new customised fly pattern to sell, or just catch more trout. We will be visited by two local fishing experts and go on a trip to a nearby stream.

Willem shows off Mr Bach's special fishing hat, in which he keeps all his old and famous flies. Mr Bach also shared his books, magazines, flies and flytying gear with the children.

 These sorts of images are good to use to talk to children about describing settings (places) in their writing, or orally. Mr Bach took these photos on Saturday morning with the sun coming up through the fog, behind the reserve, at the back of his house.
 When describing settings we are thinking of what the setting looks like, sounds like, smells like and feels like (or makes us feel). Characters can also be described within these scenes -  what are they doing? And there you have the start of a story or narrative. We are focusing on poetic writing this term, which includes poetry and story writing.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Holidays in Northland


Yes, even teachers get to have holidays eventually from school and teaching!! Below are a few shots from Mr Bach's recent trip to Paihia with his family during the July school holidays - fishing from the Paihia wharf of course
 Mr Bach thinking about next term's enterprise plan already?!

Paihia is a beautiful spot. Did you know the name Paihia comes from a mix of Maori and English. The Reverend Thomas arrived in the region and exclaimed that it was Pai (good) here - and with here becoming hia (Maori transliteration) the name Paihia stuck.

Paihia is not even really cold at all in the middle of winter.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

 Ignition Day - Enterprise -Term 3 2013 Concept at St Mary's

In the middle block of Tuesday, the first day back at school in term 3, St Mary's had an ignition event for our term 3 concept of Enterprise. The children experienced a variety of activities that challenged their thinking and got them reflecting about what enterprise is, and what it means to be enterprising.
 We started off proceedings in the hall by dividing into our houses and listening to the introductions given on the big screen.

 Mrs Tootill and Mr Bach challenged the children to come up with a unique structure using lego building blocks.

 The children really got into the activity, some building original items and others copying famous constructions from world architecture.
The children earned a letter from each activity and had to put the different letters together at the end from all of the activities to spell 'Enterprise'.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

 Book Creator - more sustainability creations

These are some more Book Creator book creations from some room 6 students. Both of these pieces of work show good learning and deep thinking about the issues in sustainability.
 The children have just begun their term 3 concept of Enterprise and some have already begun to design some new creations in Book Creator in order to show their learning as we move through the ideas. 
In this first creation from last term Josh and Edward show some of their learning linked to some very powerful photographs.

Poppy linked the ideas she learned about sustainability very well with individual photographs she took. Nice presentation too.