Andrew Chinn - 2013
St Mary's was privilèged last week to welcome Australian Catholic Christian singer Andrew Chinn to our school for the day. Children are familiar with Andrew Chinn songs that we use regularly at St Mary's for class prayers, liturgies and masses. Some of the older children will remember Andrew from his last visit in 2010. Andrew spends the day working with the children to include as many as possible for the evening concert. He first works seperately with the junior, middle and senior schools in the morning and then the whole school together in the afternoon. Andrew is an
ex-primary school teacher and is very patient and encouraging while working with the children.
Joseph, Edward and Koby made great gophers during the Noah's Ark song.
Andrew performs with the children rather than performing to them.
There were some great movers and shakers amongst the children during the songs.
Willem poses with Andrew Chinn. Willem loves Andrew Chinn songs and is always asking for them for prayers during the year.
Being cool during one of the performances.
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